AWHO has given HOMES to those fighting and serving in insurgency areas and inhospitable terrain. Time is a scarce commodity for the serving soldiers and often their own welfare/personal affairs take a back seat in combating their problems. AWHO remains dedicated in it’s mission to provide structurally sound, economically viable and functionally efficient dwelling units to the desirous serving/retired members of the Army and their widows on ‘NO PROFIT NO LOSS’ basis in the selected popular stations. Endeavour of AWHO has always been to deliver good quality construction with environment friendly ambiance to its allottees.

AWHO plans holistic projects as Mini Townships with central amenities such as shopping complex, club, swimming pool, sports facility, CSD and adequate green area with covered parking and water supply, all inclusive within the fixed cost.  AWHO is conscious of its charter of providing affordable housing with an emphasis on quality finished end product.

about us 3 cl projects