1. To establish ‘legal ownership’ of immovable property like house/ dwelling unit etc, registration of same in the local Registrar/ Sub Registrar office is very important.
The process of registration is normally completed within six months of taking over of house by the allottee in case of AWHO project. However, in certain cases there has been an inordinate delay in registration of houses primarily due to lack of awareness, legal implication and initiative by the allottees.
2. Non registration of DUs by the allottees cause avoidable complexities during transfer/ sale and results into imposition of heavy penalties by the States. Delay in registration of DUs also manifest into additional financial burden to AWHO as it is compelled to keep some staff at project site even after completion of the project for handing over the possession and to assist the allottees in registration of DUs with local registration authorities.
3. It has been decided during 129 Executive Committee Meeting held on 24 Jun 2014, that the AWHO staff would remain at project site maximum for one year after completion of the project. The AWHO staff thereafter will be disengaged and site office will be closed, any assistance thereafter in registration of the Dwelling Unit will be available ex HQ AWHO, Delhi. The concerned allottee will have to bear the TA/ DA expenditure for move of AWHO staff in such cases from his/ her own resources.
4. It is therefore advised that the allottees in their own interest are advised to get their DUs registered before 31 Dec 2016.